Enthusiastic review of Nadia’s “Quotations and Homages” album in New Classic LA

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  • Enthusiastic review of Nadia’s “Quotations and Homages” album in New Classic LA

An enthusiastic review of Nadia’s “Quotations and Homages” album
Steven Niles, New Classic LA, 4/10/2018

“Nadia Shpachenko’s Quotations and Homages Convinces in Concept and Execution”

“The genius of this album is in its effortless flow. Each work follows naturally from one to the next. Though unified by the common theme of homage, each piece is wholly individual and unrelated to the others, enabling continuous listener attention… The concept is creative, the program well constructed, and Shpachenko’s pianism is of the highest caliber. The recording is sure to remain a mainstay of the contemporary discography for posterity.”

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