Fanfare Magazine/Peter Burwasser review of Nadia’s “Quotations and Homages” album

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  • Fanfare Magazine/Peter Burwasser review of Nadia’s “Quotations and Homages” album

An enthusiastic review of Nadia’s “Quotations and Homages” album

Peter Burwasser, Fanfare Magazine, July/August 2018 issue

“Shpachenko is a brilliant and thoughtful artist. There is a huge range of dramatic and technical effects within this collection, and she captures them all with remarkable precision and expressivity… In all, this is a most invigorating and distinctive release.”

Nadia Shpachenko Fanfare Magazine Archive of CD Reviews - QUOTATIONS & HOMAGES Burwasser_Page_1

Nadia Shpachenko Fanfare Magazine Archive of CD Reviews - QUOTATIONS & HOMAGES Burwasser_Page_2

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