Woman at the New Piano receives 3 GRAMMY® nominations


Woman at the New Piano just received three 58th GRAMMY® Nominations for Best Classical Compendium, Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance by Nadia Shpachenko and Genevieve Feiwen Lee for Tom Flaherty’s Airdancing for Toy Piano, Piano and Electronics, and Producer of the Year, Classical for Marina A. Ledin and Victor Ledin!

I am so grateful for this honor and was beyond fortunate to work with amazing composers Tom Flaherty, James Matheson, Adam Schoenberg, and Peter Yates, brilliant pianist Genevieve Feiwen Lee, incredible and innovative recording engineer Barry Werger, inspiring and wise producers Marina and Victor Ledin, and my wonderful record label Reference Recordings! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who worked on Woman at the New Piano and to all who supported our album!

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