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Critic Don Clark’s insight into works on Woman at the New Piano: “I was immediately immersed in the absorbing, colorful and animated sound world of Tom Flaherty’s “Airdancing” for Piano, Toy Piano and Electronics… Arresting, dramatic, exhilarating and sometimes briefly serene, “Airdancing” stretches the listener’s imagination and challenges the ear while being accessible and frankly […]

Next performance of “Woman at the New Piano” program is coming up on June 12 at Bargemusic in New York. Following more than 35 performances of this program in Northern and Southern California, Nevada, Colorado, Texas, South and North Carolinas, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia and Massachusetts, I will perform 5 New York Premieres of music […]

In the year 2012 the nation was swept by a fear that had not been seen since the Y2K transition of January, 1, 2000. According to a misinterpretation of the Mayan Long Count calendar, it was believed that the world would end on December 21, 2012 – the end of the 13th b’ak’tun, 5,125 years […]

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